News, Developments, Details, Turkeys
Home. Tour over. Sort of.

Those of you who have followed these blogs know about the wild turkeys in my yard. Well, I am happy to report that mom turkey is leading around 15 babies. At the same time, a mother racoon is sneaking around behind my hammock with a little one of her own. I have come hom to the zoo. If they have babies in your naighborhood, are they still wild? Oh! But you wanted to know about the book tour and the movie and that stuff.

I kept a Wastelander's Notebook of the entire tour. I think I'll ask the website captain to archive all this other stuff before I try to put it on, though. It's long. Though I'll edit, of course. But you'll get a first hand account of what it's like to go out there and do the thing. I think you'll like it.

NEWS: at last, it can be told! I signed the movie contracts for Hummingbird today. Putting them in the mail right now! Overnight!

The director will be Luis Mandoki. He directed The White Palace, Gaby, When a Man Loves a Woman, Innocent Voices, Angel Eyes and some other movies you might have seen. He's at Cannes in a yacht drumming up more $$$ right now. I will keep you posted, loyal readers, about what happens all down the line. He has already been at work on a script with a great screenwriter I'll tell you about when I can. And we have talked quite a bit about casting. Just wait!

MORE NEWS: I am doing, for all you folks who asked by the dozen on this trip, the audio book! Yes! We'll be recording a 15 hour unabridged Hummingbird before Cinderella and I head out for the summer. Little,Brown will make this a download first, all right? So all you iPod freaks and cd-burners can get the whole deal and put it in your machines. We'll see if the recording (by yrs truly) goes as well as I think it will...then they can sell 'em later in bookstores. Oh, and I've asked Shawn Phillips to maybe come up with a guitar theme for the recording. He was there to see me start this journey as a writer (see the old Shawn blog, below)--I hope he will join me from his North American tour for this amazing new chapter.

Since I am now moving into writing the Hummingbird sequel, which we are calling The Queen of America between my editor and me, I will switch this blog into more active composing mode. You and I will engage in a workout--I'll give you a running peek into the process. And I'll take the laptop along on the journeys. I hope you get a kick out of being my partners in the work on book 2. Not to mention other projects I have up my sleeve. I think we are moving into a period of maximum productivity and creativity around here. Come along for the ride.

Watch this space for the Notebooks.

Love & kisses, & kissese, & kisses...L

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