Good News Rolling In
Allow me to stop in the middle of this meditation on writing and the writing life we have been entertaining. A little trivia. A little news before we forge ahead with the next posting. But I thought you'd like to know that the German edition of Hummingbird is ready to fly (no pun intended). It's called Kolibri's Tochter. We just got the catalogue here, and the cover is very nice. Also, Devil's Highway continues being The Book That Won't Go Away. The state of Wisconsin's arts council picked it to be their all-state read. I have had all-college and all-high school reads, and as you know, all-city reads San Francisco, Austin, Salt Lake City, Yuma). But a whole, that's something. Anyway, these small items brought cheer to our flu house this week...along with some very promising developments on the movie and TV front. New stuff. Really cool stuff. I wish I could say something. I can't...I just can't. Don't make me! I...can't...say...anything...yet! Sorry for the trivia. I'm going back to coughing and groaning.

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