Selected Book Tour Haiku by Kobayashi Urrea
Not fortune, not fame--
to silence desperation
I took up the pen


expect four hundred--
twenty-five people come in--
outside, early snow


hotel room again,
the traveler leaves no trace--
sheets on crumpled bed


once upon a time
I wrote it all for Prudence--
fans come: can't reach her


famous writers there--
if you put it on your blog
people call you pig


Pennsylvania sky--
can't go home till Denver's done--
airplane never comes


immigration talk--
expecting angry shouting--
1,000 new friends


must not have got laid--
last year brought lover to boast,
this year denounced me


miracles abound
strangers come up to hug me
my name in their books


flying to Denver--
last week was Indiana--
leaves already red


wounded vet lifts pants--
wait-listed grannies inspect--
"At least you can walk."


"I hate haiku, man!"
Until I met Issa's ghost,
I hated it, too.


I worked the toilets
of public bathrooms scrubbing--
all gratitude now


Bill Clinton's coming
after Sarah Palin leaves--
I miss the whole thing


in this midnight hotel room--
Letterman and I


I can't wake up, I
can't wake up, I can't wake up,
I cannot wake up.


Tijuana to here
is a good long walking road--
a hard road, red road.

I'll post more in a few days. Let me sleep first. Thank you, Seattle, Penn State, and the kind Republican audience in Denver. And thanks to my long-suffering UIC students who forgave me for all these journeys. Almost done--just Oregon and Arizona to go...


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