Kobayashi Matsuo Urrea: The Tour Haiku, Vol. III
this burning moment
I resolve to inhabit
until the next one


first thought, best thought
the masters have often said
oh! I have no thought


friendly notebook--
when all the world's against me
you open your arms.


en el espejo
espero ver la cara
de mi difunta


Critics know nothin'--
when I need to love writing
I ask ol' Beat Jack.


expressway in rain
fighting the clock to O'Hare
one last autumn flight.


abandoned airport--
automatice walkway runs,
bearing only ghosts


I don't find poems
in neon tubes, empty chairs--
wait, maybe I do.


old man at counter
ordering ticketing crew
to change the weather


"I'm not freaking out:
woman on cell phone tonight--
"I'm just saying this."


aspens face winter--
before snow, bare white tree trunks--
why do I see God?


three Mexican maids
bring me more hotel coffee
Spanish is our summer


wish my handwriting
were handsomer than it is--
hell, I can't read this!


Onitsura laughs--
Kerouac pours Basho's tea--
Buson paints a crow.


walking up the muntain--
in Basho's sunlit river
trout stalk fishermen.


the writers gather
before rows of microphones
lonely for silence


the gift bags contain
chocolate and vino--
I take an apple


wild turkey in yard
was never deeply impressed
the provost called me


Dear Academics--
I confess I thought of elk
all through your meeting.


slant ontogenies:
memes of gnomic poetics--
please someone kill me.


must have gone insane--
told a workshop of strangers
I loved all of them


Tender young writer
you face savage storms alone--
will you bend or break?


Home now. Family's playing Wii. I'm drinking coffee. Trying to finish the semester. Will probably venture one final round of tour haiku.

Every time I am in the frozen sky, I am thinking of you.


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